School Forms » South Valley Transfer Agreement

South Valley Transfer Agreement

Ukiah High School
1000 Low Gap Road
Ukiah, CA 95482

Gordon Oslund, Principal


Eduardo Hurtado, Vice Principal

Yareli Macias, Vice Principal

Cassandra Mortier, Vice Principal

South Valley Transfer Agreement
Student Name                                                                             Student #                                            Grade             
Ukiah High School Interventions:
  • Multiple attempts will be made for student at Ukiah High School to recover from credit deficiencies. Interventions include, but are not limited to: Cyber High online credit recovery, summer school, and / or concurrent enrollment with Mendocino College
  • Students who do not fulfill their plan graduation or become deficient more than 90 credits are required to meet with counselors to consider alternative school placements. Parents must attend this meeting. 
South Valley / Ukiah High School Transfer Agreement:
  • South Valley and Ukiah High School encourage credit deficient student to transfer as juniors so that students who complete their credits have the opportunity to return to UHS and graduate with their class. 
  • South Valley High School accepts transfers at the beginning of each of their grading periods. 
  • Ukiah High School accepts returning transfers at the start of a new semester. Students returning to UHS from South Valley will be provided with a transfer plan, approved by both site administrators, that demonstrates that the student is on-track to graduate. 
  • Unique situations may require transfer at different times with both sites' administrator approvals. 
  • Seniors must have accumulated 200 credits to return to Ukiah High School the second semester of their senior year and be prepared to take American Institutions and Senior English. All returning student must be on track according to UHS 230 credit diploma requirement
Student Commitment to South Valley:
  • I agree to take advantage of the opportunities for credit recovery at South Valley High School.
  • I agree to take advantage of the smaller class sizes and ask for assistance when needed.
  • I agree to attend school on a daily basis and understand that I cannot earn credit when I am not present. 
I have read and understand this agreement.
______________________________________                      _________________________
Student Signature                                                                          Date
_____________________________________                        _________________________
Parent Signature                                                                            Date
______________________________________                      _________________________
Counselor Signature                                                                      Date