College Search

Big Future - College board's college planning website. This has everything.


California College Directory - Online programs offered by schools in California


California Colleges - Information about any college in California! A great tool!


California Postsecondary Education Commission


College Navigator - A great college search site from the US Department of Education


College Net - Database of 4-yr. colleges. - Another website with multiple applications, including college and scholarship searches, and application information. Currently being revamped.


College Visits


GoCollege - This site has some good stuff on it, but it has become loaded down with advertisements and banners.


My Majors - Use this site to narrow your focus on specific majors that fit you.


Petersons - This site has it all: SAT/ACT preparation, financial aid, compare colleges side-by-side, apply on-line, and it even has a planner.


Princeton Review - Apply on-line, college rankings, SAT/ACT preparation, financial aid, and career assistance. Be careful, they will try and sell you services