Ukiah High SchoolUkiah Unified School District

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Student Handbook » Enrollment and General Information

Enrollment and General Information

UHS Enrollment
Becoming a Wildcat!
STEP 1: Parent/Guardian completes an enrollment packet. Missing documents will delay the enrollment process.
STEP 2: Student completes a written writing sample.
STEP 3: UHS requests student’s records from previous school.
STEP 4: Student and parent/guardian meet with an assigned counselor to schedule classes and to complete an educational plan.
  • (Students with IEPs need to meet with a counselor and case carrier)
Student Records
Student records are confidentially maintained on our computer data system and in a student’s hard copy cumulative file. Student names and addresses are shared with ASB and activity groups (i.e. yearbook, senior class, etc.), school photographer, military services recruiters, colleges, and vocational schools unless parents of students who are under 18, or students who are 18 years old or older, request that such information not be shared

Transfer Grades
Students transferring from another high school will have their courses and grades transferred from their previous school onto their UHS transcript. Courses will be tagged appropriately based on how they were honored at their previous school, ie honors, college prep, etc. If alternative grading was used, the grades will be transferred over to our grading system.
Students are expected to meet UHS graduation requirements when transferring from another school.

  • A daily bulletin and celebration is broadcast each morning. Sign up for our weekly parent bulletin via e-mail at [email protected]. There are nine mailed parent newsletters in English and Spanish that are mailed home with progress reports.
  • UHS Website
  • Follow us on Twitter: @ukiahi
  • Follow us on Facebook: Primary account Ukiah High School. Other campus groups also maintain individual pages.
  • AERIES Parent/Student Portal: Use this to check grades, missing assignments and to register for classes.
Breakfast and Lunch Program
Free and reduced priced meals are available, simply fill out an application. About 60% of UHS students receive this benefit. In the district 80% qualify.
Please apply, we receive additional academic funds for qualifying students. Free and reduced lunch qualification also benefits students in qualifying for fee waivers for college applications, SAT/ACT testing, and AP testing.

The daily menu includes: a homemade entrée, a complete salad bar, sandwiches and pre-packaged meals.
Meal costs are:
  • $1.75 for breakfast
  • $3.00 for lunch
  • Additional items priced individually
(all prices subject to change)

Home to school transportation is managed by the school district, please see the district web site for information. Bus schedules are also posted in the main office. After school late bus transportation is also available when enough students are accessing this service.

Student lockers are issued on orientation days. Lockers are the property of the district and issued as a privilege. Report problems to a campus supervisor. Report thefts to the office in A23. Don’t share combinations. Don’t store valuables in lockers. Do keep lockers clean! Locker gates are open 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Lost and Found
The “lost and found” is located in the main office. Turn in “found” items to a teacher or the office immediately to ensure proper return. Found items not returned are considered stolen items. Found items are kept for 45 days.

UHS does not maintain health insurance for students. Insurance is available to Ukiah High School students through Myers & Stevens Insurance Company. The policy includes accident insurance to cover the student while at school, while traveling to or from school, or while at a school sponsored event (including participating on an athletic team). Forms may be obtained in the counseling office and Student Activities office. The school is responsible only for immediate first aid.
The Board of Education does not pay any medical or hospital bills incurred as a result of accidents to a pupil while at school. The parent/guardian is responsible for payment of such bills.
Textbooks and Instructional Materials
These are distributed by teachers or through the library check out system and are issued to students to support learning. Students will be charged if these items are damaged or lost.
If an item is lost, notify the school immediately so a replacement item can be issued and the corresponding bill sent as yearbooks, transcripts and diplomas will not be issued to students with outstanding fines for textbooks, chromebooks, books, other instructional materials or food services.
Health Services
We have a nurse and health technician on to assist students feeling ill or with health-related questions. The health office is located in the gym (left foyer). If this office is unattended report to the Counseling Office
Procedure for illness/accident
Report to class first and report illness/accident to the teacher immediately. If referred to the health office, you will be given a pass by your teacher, care will be administered by a health professional, and a parent/guardian will be notified.
Parent approval is required to leave campus due to illness.
Procedure for medications
The health office does not maintain a pharmacy of nonprescription medications. Prescription and non-prescription medication must be taken to the school office to be registered, secured and administered. This process requires a completed parent form, doctor’s signature, prescription label (if applicable), and medication instructions. Report changes immediately.