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College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness

There are three levels that measure postsecondary preparedness in the College/Career Indicator (CCI):

  • Prepared
  • Approaching Prepared
  • Not Prepared
Prepared Level
High School Diploma and any one of the following-
  1. Career Technical Education (CTE Pathway) completion plus at least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on the English Language Arts or Math Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area.
  2. At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on both the ELA and Math SBAC.
  3. Completion of two semesters of Dual Enrollment with a passing grade (Academic/CTE subjects). Dual Enrollment are courses taken through Mendocino College.
  4. Passing Score on two Advanced Placement (AP) exams.
  5. Completion of courses that meet the University of California (UC) A-G criteria plus one of the following criteria:
    • CTE Pathway Completion
    • SBAC Assessment: At least a Level 3 “Standard Met” on ELA or Math and at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” in the other subject area.
    • One semester of Dual Enrollment with a passing grade
    • Passing score on one AP Exam
Approaching Prepared Level
High School Diploma and any one of the following:
  1. CTE Pathway Completion.
  2. Scored at least a Level 2 “Standard Nearly Met” on both the ELA and Math SBAC assessments.
  3. Completion of one semester of Dual Enrollment with a passing grade (Academic/CTE subjects).
  4. Completion of courses that meet the UC A-G criteria.
Not Prepared Level
A student who does not meet any of the measures or did not graduate is considered not prepared.
Mendocino College
Our closest collegiate partner just got a lot closer!
See a Mendocino College counselor in the UHS office Thursday mornings 9:30-11:30 am beginning in October
Take college classes on our campus...Yes, college is that close!
High School students are now being measured on their College and Career Readiness. 
UHS has what it takes to get you ready!
What are you waiting for?